I had some lessons with Fiona when I first got Garbo (hence the background you are not used to seeing - this was at my old yard). She put a tarp on Garbo (and had flags and umbrellas etc) and she commented on how calm he was. Of course a few seconds later this is what happened - it all got too much for him. Just before that happened she was saying he would be a good police horse.
He has his unconfident ears on in the photo above.
Yesterday I worked a little with Garbo after I gave him some grass. We worked on backwards by the tail and backwards from the hind leg. It was unusual - he would do it absolutely perfectly at less than phase one with the tail, then suddenly he turned into a chair for the next one. I don't think he could see the point - even though he got a carrot after each successful back across the wash bay. The leading backwards by the hind leg after this was hugely successful, he backed with only the rope around his leg (no pressure) and me walking backwards. I was pretty pleased with that - no line attached to his halter at the time either.
Then we worked on lead by the mane for a bit before dinner. They were all a bit 'alert' tonight - something was happening in the yonder paddock that I could not see or hear... but once in the yards for a bit they were fine.
Tonight I just did a little with Garbo while I groomed him trying to keep my feet in one place, and he ate grass. Then I haltered Maraschino and cleaned his feet out (trimmer coming on Monday). He was really good - I had done a little bit of what Pat did with the LBI in the June DVD - getting the horse to know what happens next when you lean down to pick up their feet.
After reading the Daily Parelli - which isn't called that anymore - and also listening to the Audio CD this month I have decided to restart my log books. I did it religiously in L1 as it had a cool little book - so I shall dig it out and continue with both garbo and Maraschino - or make one. It's good to focus on how many hours your horse practising being a horseman.
Interesting to see the pics....thanks for posting them. Totally agree with keeping track of the hours - was thinking Ihave owned/riddenCam for '6 years' but how many 'good'hours have I put in,and how many have I ridden - 100hours riding maybe.....says it all really!!
don't beat yourself up about it though... look how far we have come with them with such a short anout of hours.... so the world is our oyster (if we didn't have to work!)
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