Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Right brain vs Left brain

Early this morning after putting the boys out Maraschino saw something scary next door - I dodn't for the life of me know what it was.... perhaps it was the boy next door that lives in his white hoodie.... anyway - can you see the reaction of Garbo versus Maraschino...

Garbo - say what?! oh - what ever - more hay for me...
Maraschino - eeeeeeeek
Coco - I'm off to eat


Catherine Nugent said...

Nice story in the E-News Vicki!

Unknown said...

Thanks - have you heard about your audition yet?

Catherine Nugent said...

Yep- Passed Level 2! Was so stoked! I'll have to get a freestyle on together. Problem is I haven't finished the patterns yet, not sure if I should before I send anything off. Have you got you string & Certificate yet!?

Unknown said...

Yes, I got my blue string and certificate today!