Saturday, June 27, 2009

Rain reprieve

It was supposed to rain most of today but it didn't so I decided to move the padastal to drier land. Maraschino was very keen to help. It's really heavy and keep sliding off the wheelbarrow everytime the wheel hit a hole but we made it. Maraschino followed along behind, with his shadow, Coco, following him.

Then I haltered Garbo - he was keen to be haltered and I didn't even bore him with a groom - off we went to play up by the driveway and the private road. I saw my friend this morning in the local cafe and we made a forest ride date for Friday so I have some work to do (preparation I should say), before then.

So off Garbo and I went for a graze and a play - I asked him on the pedastal - in it's new place - and he was more interested in the grass for a bit but then he figured it out.

Maraschino hadn't even looked up from grazing at this stage so off we went up towards the gate, and through the gate to the private road. We went from grass patch to grass patch, and then to see the sheep. He's seen sheep before but you wouldn't have known it.

Off down the road a bit more, driving from Zone 3, and trying to keep Garbo on the end of the 22ft. See his one ear on me.

On the way back again and Maraschino was waiting for us. You might be able to make him out by the float below. We had actually been back a couple if times before this to see how he was. Maraschino was a bit snorty at one point but I think it was just seeing the goats a bit closer up than normal.

George joined me for another walk back up the road at one stage and we had a chat to the neighbours.

By the time we finished coming and going Maraschino was happy grazing.

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