I decided Garbo and I were just going to have some grazing time today. There is not much grass in the paddocks so I took him out next to the wash bay.
I tied Garbo's rope to the fence and got Maraschino's halter and went up to him - he turned and walked away twice so I drove him very very slightly - and he ran back into the paddock to eat grass instead. Funny!
Afterwards I did his feet and brushed him and put his cover on. I managed to comb Maraschino's mane while he was at the fence.
Lovely pics Vicki!! Like you, I think anytime spent is better than nothing - everything means something!
This Maraschino'look' looks such a typical 'rb intro' expression to me - do you agree or do you think it is something else -maybe hard to tell from a pic without knowing what went before/rest of body language etc? When does he do it?
Oh yes.... he is your typical RBI looks just like the drawing most of the time (I had been combing his mane from the fence lol)
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