Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Well I feel a bit down - have no clue why!

I decided to fix the 'don't change gait, don't change direction' online with Garbo today and I had to get assertive (but not mean) - but I felt mean afterwards! He did lots of licking and head lowering like he used to do when we first started so I am not sure if I went too far (licking good but head lowering - to my knees - may be a little unconfidence). I had to tag in the quadrant (three times rhythmically) to get him to have any energy what so ever. He still did not manage to do a whole canter circle without my bull horn facing him.....yadda yadda yadda!

Finished up with some sideways - which he does beautifully to the left and a little stiltingly to the right - nearly on the end of 22ft line.

Then I went to see Maraschino. The two paddock mates tried to shoo him away from me when I walked in so they could say hi - finally managed to distract them for long enough to get to him - and give him a groom - just loose in the paddock. Then we did a couple of head lowering, pick up feets and he looked pretty knackered again! No serious bites though - just a little lump. No skin broken.


Cilla said...

did you feel down before the games or because of them? perhaps garbo picked up on your lack of energy. LBI are v difficult to motivate sometimes. if i dont wanna do it, you cant make me!!?
you ended on a good note. very savvy and tomorrow is another day. dont feel bad. we all have off days
cilla xxx

Jen said...


Don't get too down on yourself, you are lovely and wonderfully sensitive. That's what G and M will love most about you. How many other owners/handlers would feel so much because of those "small" things you just described? Kudos to you and a rousing chorus of "for she's a jolly good fellow" for taking time to notice. Hey...Parelli and NH isn't about never pushing our horses, it's about pushing them only as far as their thresholds and then release!!! You did that.

Good girl, Vicki. Well done!

Give them both a rub from a friend in the states, won't you?