This photo is not complimentary of Garbo - it was after I backed him up at Liberty. Just after this photo I gave him a carrot - that helped. I returned to the middle and he went to follow me in so I asked him to back up again, then gave him another carrot, and returned to the middle. Circles were better today but I need to be able to use less CS, as he shows a little unconfidence after I have used Phase 4.
I added the pole - as before he has always stopped at the pole (after giving a treat for stopping over the pole...) - so we worked on that today - I asked very quietly for him to continue each time he stopped over it (and looked at me with a big question). You know what he did next? He didn't stop at the pole, he just made the circle smaller so he didn't have to trot over it. LOL.
I used driving game to ask him to go back out. Then after a few circles at trot I asked him in and gave him a carrot. I think I really need to work on this too - because when he comes in without me asking I use the CS to say no- I didn't ask you to come in, so now when I do ask him in he kind of runs in and then sides up to me instead of face on as if he thinks I am going to ask him out again. hmmmmmmmmmm.
I backed him up and asked for a circle again, at trot. He started well and then did a bulls eye (we have not done that pattern yet) and started creeping closer and closer and also getting faster, he cantered, he ended up cantering round me about 5 ft away!
So - leave me a comment - what do YOU do to get your LBI further out from you while he is circling.?
Hi Vicki
I always get something from your blog. We have the same problem. I might try putting a surprise carrot on top of a couple of the pigtails.
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